CCFL's Christmas Party will be on December 16th. Wear your favorite Christmas sweater/clothing and house shoes for the day. The following is the tentative schedule:
11:30am-12:30pm: Potluck Christmas Meal-Food will be placed in Abbott, and we will be eating in Wilson. A sign-up sheet is posted in the Kitchen on 10th Floor. If you are located off-site, let Paulette or Krista know what you will be bringing. This way we will have an assortment of food to enjoy.
12:30-1:30pm: White Elephant Gift-Exchange-Participants wrap up a gift from their home they would like to give away. These can be funny, thoughtful, or gifts from previous exchanges. You are not expected to spend money on the gift.
1:30-2:30pm: Gingerbread House-Making Competition-Graham crackers, frosting, and some candies will be provided. Teams will be created. A neutral party will come and award the prize to the best gingerbread house. In the past, we have donated these to others to enjoy.
4:00pm-??: Friday Afternoon Club at Miller Time for anyone interested. RSVP to Krista so she can notify them on the number that will be attending.
Volunteers are needed to help decorate Wilson on Thursday, December 15th after 4pm.
Thank you, Krista and Paulette, for taking the time out of your busy schedules to plan this wonderful, fun-filled holiday event! It is greatly appreciated!