Random Selection: Bob Hock

Bob & Family
Bob & Family

Name: Bob Hock
Job Title: Field Training Specialist

Where do you hail from:
Originally, I was born and raised in Aurora, NE and moved to Kearney to attend UNK. No intentions of staying there. Well as it turned out, I really like the place and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. I have now lived in Kearney longer than I did in Aurora, so I would consider Kearney my home now.

What is it they say you do:
I work with Child and Family Service Specialists in the Central Service Area. My primary responsibilities are working with the CFSSs directly to help them translate all of the training that they receive to the field. In doing so, I have to be a person who wears many hats that include being a therapist, mentor, guidance counselor, cheerleader and friend.

Who are your early influences/who inspired you most:
I have had a plethora of people that have been influential in my life starting with my family. Good or bad, they have definitely been an influence. I grew up around sports all my life and each one of my coaches has helped me. Most recently, it would be my wife and children.

What is your passion/what you are drawn to/what motivates you/where do you hope to be in five years:
I have always wanted to work with people and specifically really like to teach people/kids. If I had a do-over in college, I would probably go into teaching and coaching. Fortunately for me, I feel that I still get an opportunity to do that with the trainees that I work with now.

Family life/hobbies /community involvement:
I have been married to my wife, Sarah, for almost 10 years. We have two children: Addie who will be in going into the 3rd Grade and Brayden who is excited (not so much) to start Kindergarten. These two keep us very busy with all of their activities such as dance, gymnastics, softball, swimming, baseball, soccer and hockey. As for me, I continue to rage against the age with playing softball, golf, community Olympics and hockey.

The quotation I live my life by is......
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.