All changes will be effective starting November 1, 2017.
Change #1: Snacks are NOT reimbursable.
Exception: Traveler has dietary need for more than 3 meals per day. This requires a physician’s note.
Reimbursement Procedure: Each day’s three largest $ value receipts will be reimbursed unless documentation of medical condition is attached.
Reason for policy change: State Accounting sought clarification of statute on paying for “snacks”. Attorney General says snacks are personal maintenance. Therefore, they are not eligible for reimbursement.
Change #2: If meals are provided by the lodging facility or as part of a conference/official function, no reimbursement will be made for those meals.
Exceptions: Travel provides documentation of business purpose. Travel proves documentation of medical condition that requires alternate meals.
Change #3: Reimbursement of groceries purchased by employee for self/others due to an absence of nearby dining establishments.
Reimbursement Procedure: Purchaser of groceries attaches a statement citing reasons for the grocery food purchase, and the number and timing of meals the grocery covered. Other traveling companions will not have meals reimburse during times that grocery food was available.
Questions? Please contact Chris.