Random Selection: Barb Sturgis


Name: Barb Sturgis
Job Title: Research Assistant Professor

From: Originally northern California and then Des Moines. We, Dan, Samantha and I, moved to Norfolk in 1979. Then there was Ken in 1984.

What is it they say you do: Depends on where I am and who is talking. Here I train and develop curriculum and bug people. I also see clients in Norfolk and periodically testify in court in child sexual abuse cases.

Early influences: My Dad when I was growing up, and then Dr. Joseph Hillson, my supervisor during my post-doctoral internship at the Norfolk Regional Center (which is what brought us to Norfolk).

Career satisfaction: Although sometimes a bit scattered, the current blend of clinical work, working at CCFL and working with attorneys on sex abuse cases.

Motivation: to keep learning new stuff and being mentally challenged.

In five years: Remaining vertical, both physically and mentally.

Family: Dan is a psychologist, looking to retire. Sam is an attorney in Denver. She and Steve have “the kid” (Josh, age 1). Ken is a CPA in Des Moines, working for USDA.

Hobbies: Cooking and cycling. They balance one another out.