Name: Chris Wiklund
Job Title: Administrative Support Associate
Where do you hail from:
I have lived in many different places. My father was a meteorologist with the National Weather Service so we moved every 3-4 years. I was born in Florida, but have lived in Pennsylvania (twice), New Jersey (twice), Vermont, Hawai’i, Connecticut, Mississippi, and Florida, but now consider Nebraska my home.
Who are your early influences/who inspired you most:
Both of my grandmothers were working women and very independent. They both influenced me to make my own decisions and choices, and to always keep a little ‘mad money’ on hand in case a situation got out of hand.
What has been an unexpected detour/ greatest frustration/disappointment:
An unexpected detour occurred this summer when my husband of 42 years passed away. That was not on our radar and came at us fast. I am moving through this process of grief and loss, day by day, with support from you all, my friends, our two sons, and other family members who are experiencing their own grief in Roland’s passing. I am continually amazed at the many lives he touched.
What is your passion/what you are drawn to/what motivates you/where do you hope to be in five years:
In less than 5 years I will be retired and would like to be able to travel spontaneously and without a map (or GPS), to visit the grandchildren whenever I want, to start (and finish) the many projects I’ve been putting off, and to learn from whatever life throws my way.
The quotation I live my life by is......
Oh boy, there are a few. Make do, or do without. Do unto others as you would have done to you. Keep it light. But my favorite is ‘If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun’ (Katherine Hepburn).