Name: Angie Graham
Job Title: Field Training Specialist for the Eastern Service Area
Where do you hail from: I’m a rancher’s daughter and proud of it! I got to grow up chasing cows, putting up hay, cutting musk thistle, fixing fence and having some amazing cow patty fights with my three sisters! Our ranch was established in 1890 and is located along the Niobrara River near Lynch, NE…it’s beautiful!
What is it they say you do: I “case manage” trainees, which is sometimes like herding chickens. As a Field Trainer, my role is to provide support to Child and Family Service Trainees throughout their training, which involves making sure they attend training, understand the training, and complete the training. One of the best parts of my job is getting to go out in the field with trainees and support them as they work with families.
What are your early influences/who inspired you most: I was fortunate enough to have been raised by parents who taught me to be kind, caring, loving, and honest and have a strong work ethic. They instilled that you have to work hard for what you want and that nothing comes easy. It always amazed me and continues to amazes me the number of hours that they both put in on the ranch. They attended every event that we participated in and now attend every event possible that their grandchildren participate in. #theyrock
Family life/hobbies/community involvement:
I’ve been with my boyfriend, Rich for a little over 13 years and we have a wonder dog named Sophie. She’s the smartest and cutest dog on the planet. It’s true! We love to go to the ranch and hang with my family, as well as going to Michigan where Rich grew up. There really is a Kalamazoo!! Over the years I have found a love for running, so most mornings at 5 am you will find me with my friends running around Lincoln. In the summer I volunteer for a beginner runner group (Beginners' Luck) and road races when I’m not running in them…it’s a ton of fun to cheer for people!
My quotation I live my life by: Take life by the hand and dance!