New Parking Info!!!


As you know the City of Lincoln Parking Services has taken ownership of the 13th and M Street Garage and the adjoining surface lots. Posters have been placed in the garage notifying parkers of upcoming changes set to begin on Monday, Feb. 4. Effective then ALL parking on levels 1 through 5 will be unreserved (random) and available to anyone parking in the facility. There will no longer be any reserved stalls on those levels, Buddy stalls (able to fit 2 vehicles), and the monthly rates will all be the same. Parking stalls in the basement levels will be the only reserved but unassigned.

What does this mean for you?
• If you have been a parker with a reserved stall, that will no longer be the case. Your monthly CCFL (UNL) fee will drop to $48/mo. and you will park wherever you want on Levels 1-5.

• If you have been parking in a Buddy stall with someone else, that will no longer be an option. You will park in an unreserved (random) stall anywhere on Levels 1-5, and your rate will increase to $48/mo.

• If you’ve been a random parker, you will be able to park anywhere on Levels 1-5, east or west sides. Your rate will remain at $48/mo.

• If you’ve been parking on the surface lots, nothing changes and your rate will remain the same.

• If you prefer to have an unassigned reserved stall, the basement will be your only option, and that charge will be $88/mo.

• If you have pre-paid beyond January 2019, accommodations will be made. You’ll need to see me.

Let Chris know if you have any questions, or wish to change your parking arrangement.