A sign of the times

CEHS digital signs updated.
CEHS digital signs updated.

You may not have noticed, but our digital signs located in the Barkley Memorial Center, Henzlik Hall and the Home Economics Building have a slightly new look. For the past few months the signs have been using a new design template that is uniform with other digital signage across campus. The design on the outer frame of the slides is also consistent with the new UNL web template that is rolling out incrementally across the university.

In addition, to emphasize the importance of the CEHS Global eXperience, the left screen in our digital displays is now featuring news, events and other information dedicated to Global X. This includes education abroad opportunities, special events and more. Global X also has its own website. Check it out at http://go.unl.edu/globalx.

If you have information to share on the CEHS digital signs, please send it to Brad Stauffer at bstauffer@unl.edu.