Sue Swearer (EDPS) presented “Creating a Kinder World: Empowering Youth to End Bullying” on Thursday, April 3 as part of the Talley Distinguished Lecture at Indiana University.
In this multi-media presentation Susan Swearer talked about her research on bullying prevention and intervention and the Born Brave Experiences study. She presented preliminary data from the Born Brave Bus Tour (BBBT), a signature project of Lady Gaga’s, Born This Way Foundation (http://bornthiswayfoundation.org). The Born Brave Bus Tour is a youth empowerment experience designed to give youth the inspiration and the tools to create kinder and braver schools, homes, and communities. The BBBT went to 18 cities in 2013 and reached over 20,000 participants. Goals of the BBBT were to create an accepting space where youth could experience the three pillars of the Born This Way Foundation: safety, skills, and opportunities and to empower youth to be kinder and braver.