Now in its 14th year, UNL’s Summer Institute for Online Teaching (SIOT), running from May 13th to June 17th, provides preparation and training as well as a campus-wide faculty learning community focused on online teaching. The five-week Summer Institute is offered online, providing participants with a “student” perspective.” There are 3 short, face-to-face sessions.
SIOT is designed to guide novice online instructors through the steps of course planning and development and explores the unique opportunities and challenges of the online learning environment. Many instructors with some online teaching experience have also found it valuable. Experienced online instructors from a variety of disciplines facilitate the weekly online small-group discussions, answering questions, providing feedback, and sharing from their experiences.
By the end of Summer Institute, participants will be able to:
Design or redesign a course in preparation for online delivery
Incorporate research-based online instructional best practices
Make thoughtful use of a range of Blackboard tools
Teach informed by the experience of having been an online learner
The Summer Institute is funded and coordinated by the Office of Online & Distance Education, Innovative Instructional Design Team, offered in partnership with Information Technology Services, and facilitated by UNL faculty from several colleges.
The following link provides additional details, the schedule, and registration information. Enrollment is limited. SIOT is intended for full or part-time faculty. GTA’s will be wait-listed and given available openings once registration closes.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to another diverse and engaged Summer Institute cohort and a rich learning experience. For additional please contact Marie Barber, Director of Office of Online & Distance Education ( or Beverly Russell, Associate Director, Innovative Instructional Design,, 2-4358.
More details at: