Lincoln Public Schools is inviting Lincoln citizens to apply to participate in the third year of an initiative called the LPS Citizens Education Academy: a series of monthly classes that include hands-on interactive experiences depicting a true, behind-the-scenes sense of public schools in Lincoln. Participants are asked to attend monthly meetings – generally the second Monday evening of each month, but also several day meetings – hosted at schools across the school district, featuring a wide variety of information and activities. Participants will have conversations with high school seniors, visit a Family Literacy class, sample an ACT test, spend time in LPS classrooms, tour the Career Academy, see the new Moore Middle School, and much more.
LPS is now accepting applicants for this no-charge public outreach program on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to participate, please register by August 18 and send the following information to Julie Dansky, jdansky@lps.org
• Your name, street address, email address and phone number.
• Tell us a little about who you are – and why you are interested in the Academy (couple sentences).
Academy Schedule:
- Sept. 11, 5-7:30 p.m. Huntington Elementary School, 2900 N. 46th St.
FOCUS: Hopes and dreams, start of school, overview, introductions, conversations - Oct. 9, 5-7:30 p.m. Lincoln Southeast High School, 2930 S. 37th St.
FOCUS: Focus on graduation rate, instruction and curriculum - Nov. 13, Choose two morning hours at an elementary, middle or high school: McPhee Elementary School, Lefler Middle School or Lincoln High School
- Dec. 11, 5-7:30 p.m. Schoo Middle School, 700 Penrose Dr.
FOCUS: Educating all our children/special issues and challenges - Jan. 8, 9-11 a.m. West Lincoln Elementary School, 630 W. Dawes Ave.
FOCUS: Growing, global changing scope of LPS - Feb. 12, 5-7:30 p.m. Moore Middle School, 8700 Yankee Woods Drive
FOCUS: Creating foundation of student success with budgets, facilities, security - March 12, 5-7:30 p.m. The Career Academy, 8800 O St.
FOCUS: Classrooms of the 21st century - April 9, 5-7:30 p.m. Lincoln North Star High School, 5801 N. 33rd St.
FOCUS: Mandates and accountability - May 7, 5-7:30 p.m. Lincoln Public Schools District Office, 5905 O St.
FOCUS: Citizen Academy Graduation and beyond
For more information: Mary Kay Roth, LPS Communications, 402-436-1609, mkroth@lps.org
More details at: http://home.lps.org/citizensacademy/