Research methodologist Keith Smolkowski to present at Barkley Center April 13


Keith Smolkowski, a senior research scientist at Oregon Research Institute, is a leading methodologist in the field of education and involved in more than 40 federal research grants. He will visit the Barkley Memorial Center on East Campus Friday, April 13, to share his experiences regarding common pitfalls and obstacles in methodological design and advice for preparing competitive grant and manuscript proposals. The presentation is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. in room 130 of the Barkley Center.

Smolkowski has more than 25 years of experience in education, social science, and public health research and has become an expert in the design and analysis of complex efficacy and effectiveness trials. His research experience covers a variety of topics, such as reading and mathematics instruction, child social behavior interventions, adolescent problem behavior and substance use, and the assessment of teachers and students. Smolkowski has served as project director, co-investigator, or methodologist on more than 40 NIH and DOE grants. He completed his Master of Science in decision sciences and Ph.D. in special education.

The event is be presented by the Academy for Child and Family Well Being and the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders research committee.