Online reporting form available for student mental health concerns

A new online tool designed to proactively identify students with significant mental health needs is now available for faculty and staff to use at Developed by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Office of Student Affairs, this web-based reporting form is an effective way to get our students the help that they need.

If at any time you notice or hear about a student who is struggling with an emotional or mental health concern, you can share your concerns with a team of professionals through this form. This form is also available online at or at: under the “Get Help” drop down menu.

Reports are received by the Student Support Specialist in Student Affairs and reviewed by the University’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). This team includes professionals from Counseling and Psychological Services, University Police, Big Red Resilience & Well-being, Services for Students with Disabilities, University Housing, Faculty, and Academic Affairs. Once a report is received, the team reviews the report, then coordinates appropriate resources and, when needed, develops collaborative and purposeful interventions aimed at helping the student achieve success.