CEHS N150 Time Capsule

We will honor the University of Nebraska’s 150th anniversary by constructing a CEHS time capsule to be opened in 2069.
We will honor the University of Nebraska’s 150th anniversary by constructing a CEHS time capsule to be opened in 2069.

The College of Education and Human Sciences is looking 50 years into the future as part of the university’s N150 celebration. We will honor the University of Nebraska’s 150th anniversary by constructing a CEHS time capsule to be opened in 2069. Coincidentally, we are just completing the schematic-design phase of a new CEHS building (to replace Mabel Lee Hall) that will open in 2021. And so our plan is to collect the time capsule contents throughout this semester while celebrating N150, seal the capsule at the new building’s dedication and install it in one of the building’s public spaces, and plan a reopening of the time capsule for the N200 celebration. We think of this CEHS time capsule as a unique blend of the past, present, and future. Imagine what people should know about the life and work of current CEHS faculty, staff, and students. In our case, the time capsule will represent who we are today (at this historic moment in time) and describe us in the way we want future CEHS faculty, staff, students, and alumni to remember and consider the legacy we left for them. Each department is selecting a coordinator to work with Jenny Day and Julie Thomas on time capsule planning. Look for more details in next week’s News You Can Use.