Calling for CESI/NSTA session proposals for 2015 NSTA conference in Chicago


Yes, it is time once again to ask for your help in CESI Call for Presentation Proposals for the 2015 NSTA Conference on Science Education. Here's the procedure for getting your NSTA session identified as one of CESI's eight session spots!

1. Following the NSTA proposal format, please send your CESI session proposal to Jim McDonald at by April 21, 2014. The email subject line should read CESI NSTA Chicago Session Proposal.

2. CESI board members will review the proposal and you will receive notification regarding selection of your proposal as a CESI sponsored presentation. CESI aims for a diverse set of sessions that cover different aspects of science teaching and learning. All topics are welcome but, since the focus of CESI in on classroom applications, that should be the focus of all proposals. Eight proposals will be selected for presentation at the Chicago conference.

3. Once your proposal is selected, we will provide the specific details about entering your full proposal into the NSTA system with all of the relevant information. You will be sent the link to enter this information. This will need to be completed by May 16.

4. Once you have entered the session in the NSTA system you will need to send the proposal identification number and an electronic copy of your NSTA proposal to Jim McDonald at