Global Conversations

Sue Dale Tunnicliffe
Sue Dale Tunnicliffe

CESI collaborated with the International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE) to host the 10th Annual NSTA Global Conversations in Science Education Conference, Sharing International Classroom Perspectives of Science: PreK–16 held during the NSTA Conference in Chicago. Plenary talks by distinguished international scholars and included a series of interactive panels (consisting of teachers, researchers, and policy makers on special topics), round table discussions involving all participants, and a poster session providing opportunities to build international connections in science classrooms. Presenters hailed from China, United Kingdom, Ireland, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Finland, Estonia, and the Cayman Islands, Australia, and the United States. CESI was well represented throughout the day. President, Jim McDonald, and Past-Board Member, Sue Dale Tunnicliffe, provided plenary talks and CESI members helped to lead round table discussions.