The Semester is Ending! And it's Almost the New Year!

The Semester Is Almost Over.
The Semester Is Almost Over.

It’s been a very eventful semester and we hope everyone enjoyed our events.

We have more action-packed events which are scheduled for spring semester. So get ready to be engaged and to be excited!

If you are thinking of new year resolutions start here:
January 16, Spring Volunteer Fair that focuses on Pre-Health;
January 23, MLK Day of Service;
March 16-22, Spring Alternative Service Break Trips to Pine Ridge, Denver, St.Louis and Ainsworth;
April 13, the Big Event sponsored by ASUN; and
January 19 through April 10, the UNL Tax Credit Campaign (volunteer or have your taxes prepared for free).

All of our staff members at the Center for Civic Engagement wish you the best for your finals and the new year!