Women’s Week is a series of events planned by the UNL Women’s Center in March to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. This year the theme for Women’s Week is “Inform. Empower. Inspire Action.” As a returning feature we will recognize leaders within our campus and Lincoln communities as Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment. Please consider nominating a woman who has made a positive impact in your life through professional, personal, mentoring, or peer relationships.
We honor every woman who is nominated with an on-line and in-person display throughout the week in the Union, and at the Women's History Month Banquet on Thursday, March 17th, 2016. Complimentary banquet tickets are available to all the nominees. Do you know a UNL faculty, staff, student, or Lincoln community member who is a woman of character, courage, and commitment?
We would like this display to highlight as many women of character, courage, and commitment in as many different fields and roles as possible. In addition, we would like this to focus on the many ways these women impact the lives of individuals in our community. Whether you know this woman of character, courage, and commitment in a professional, personal, mentor, or peer relationship, tell us about her.
You can find the nomination form at http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/WomensHistoryMonth. Nominations are due by February 15th, 2016.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/jabk