Become a VITA volunteer by registering at unl.givepulse.com!
Make a difference in Lincoln's extreme poverty neighborhoods by becoming an IRS certified tax preparer. Tax Law Help sessions are on each Friday from 2-4 pm in the Nebraska Georgian Room until December 7th. There is no cost of training to become a tax assistant. All of your materials, software, training, and test(s) are provided by the Internal Revenue System (IRS), Lincoln VITA Coalition, and by the Center for Civic Engagement's Service-Learning. In order to serve in the capacity of a tax assistant, you should present your certificate denoting completing of volunteer certification to Service-Learning (222 Nebraska Union) by January 19, 2019. If you anticipate being unable to complete your certification by this time but would like to serve as a tax assistant, you should still attend the tax law workshops and software training and should contact Linda Moody, Ph. D. at (402) 472-6150 about delaying the completion of your certification.
To get started, visit:
and register to be a volunteer. Then head to the Center for Civic Engagement to receive training materials on completing VITA certification.