Take part in virtual cooking class July 22

COE Virtual Cooking Class
COE Virtual Cooking Class

The College of Engineering Staff Council Wellness Committee invites you to participate in a virtual cooking class hosted by Marissa Pakiz, the Nutrition Education Coordinator from Campus Rec, on Wednesday, July 22 from 4-5 p.m.

Marissa, who will be joining us live from the Wellness Kitchen, will lead the group in cooking “One Pot Beef Veggie Pasta”.

A recipe card can be found at the following link - https://engineering.unl.edu/downloads/Staff-Council/wellness/Recipe-Card.pdf - so participants can acquire ingredients ahead of time, and follow along with the group from the comfort of their own kitchens.

Please feel free to contact Ashley West with any questions.

Zoom Information: https://unl.zoom.us/j/92854256258

Meeting ID: 928 5425 6258

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Meeting ID: 928 5425 6258