NUtech Ventures is hosting a free noon webinar on Tuesday, Sept. 22, titled “From Research to Marketplace: An Intro to Intellectual Property for Academic Researchers.” The webinar is open to all Nebraska researchers, including faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
The webinar features guest speaker Jessica Lewis, attorney and partner at Quarles & Brady LLP. Lewis will discuss the basics of intellectual property and technology transfer to help faculty use available resources, avoid IP-related problems and learn about commercialization opportunities. Zane Gernhart, senior technology manager at NUtech Ventures, will also discuss when and how researchers can disclose their discoveries.
Learn more and RSVP: https://go.unl.edu/introtoip
A Zoom link will be emailed on the day before the webinar.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/introtoip