ACHIEVEMENTS: Awards, honors & publications

Marilyn Wolf (left) and Bai Cui.
Marilyn Wolf (left) and Bai Cui.

In the latest installment of this recurring feature, we recognize some of the recent accomplishments, awards and honors earned by College of Engineering faculty, staff and students:


  • Marilyn Wolf, department chair of computer science and engineering, earned two significant honors: being named general chair of the 2022 International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks:; and being chosen to receive the 2022 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award:
  • Bai Cui, associate professor of mechanical and materials engineering, is part of a research team that has earned a $700,000, 18-month Phase 1 Department of Energy Advance Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) ULTIMATE (Ultrahigh Temperature Impervious Materials Advancing Turbine Efficiency) grant.
  • Nine researchers from Biological Systems Engineering – Jasreman Singh, Yufung Ge, Derek Heeren, Christopher Neale, Suat Irmak, Wayne Woldt, Geng Bai, Sandeep Bhatti, and Mitchell Maguire, are among the 10 co-authors of a paper accepted for publication in the Agricultural Water Management journal’s Oct. 1 issue. The team studied the inter-relationship between water depletion and temperature differential for maize and soybeans and developed water-stressed and non-water-stressed baselines for a sub-humid regime.

If you know of faculty, staff or students who have been awarded major grants or awards, been published in prestigious journals, were recognized with awards at conferences or other events, or any other newsworth achievements, please contact Karl Vogel – – with the information so it can be included in future editions.