A reminder for faculty and staff who have NOT uploaded vaccination cards to the registry or who do not have an approved exemption - your “access granted” in the Safer Community app will expire at the end of the seventh day after the result date.
In other words, people who tested on Sunday, Aug. 15 (Emerging Leaders, First Huskers, NCPA, and many faculty and staff) and received their results on Aug. 16 will need their next test result by end of day Monday, Aug. 23 to not have expired apps by Tuesday morning for their classes. Your Safer Community app should tell you the expiration date.
This weekly testing is required only if you have NOT uploaded a vaccination card. For now, these individuals should test ideally on Sunday or very early Monday in order to be sure that they will have building access on Tuesday morning.
For more information about the university's COVID-19 response, go to the website (link below).
More details at: https://covid19.unl.edu