Student motivation in focus at Friday EITS series

Markeya Peteranetz, ECEC learning assessment coordinator.
Markeya Peteranetz, ECEC learning assessment coordinator.

The Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC) Fall Excellence in Teaching Series resumes Friday, Sept. 17 via Zoom with a noon-1 p.m. session – “Why Aren’t My Students More Motivated?: A Look at Student Profiles of Motivated, Self-Regulated Engagement,” led by Markeya Peteranetz, ECEC learning assessment coordinator.

If there were a magic button you could press to increase students’ motivation, teaching would be much easier! That button might not exist, but understanding how different aspects of students’ motivation and self-regulation combine to create profiles of engagement can help us identify which kinds of support will work best for each student.

This session will overview five evidence-based profiles of motivated, self-regulated engagement and present strategies you can employ to best support students exhibiting each profile.

For EITS session dates, times and details or to register, click the link below. If you seek further information, contact ECEC Director Tareq Daher at

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