Highlighting the Nebraska Engineering community receiving recognition in the media, including major DoE grants to two Nebraska Engineering teams, Ron Faller becoming NAI fellow, and students making an impact in the world and beyond. Continue reading…
As part of the college's annual charitable gift drive Nov. 30 - Dec. 16, 2022, please consider donating new (or gently used) gloves, mittens, scarves and hats - any size. These items may be dropped off at the Dean's Suites on City Campus and Scott Campus. Email jengebretson2@unl.edu with questions.
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is accepting nominations for several awards for faculty and staff. Nomination materials are due Tuesday, January 31, 2023 to the EVC’s office. Submit nominations as one PDF here: https://go.unl.edu/evccampusawards. Continue reading…
The College of Engineering Staff Council is sponsoring a holiday-season drive for the Husker Pantry and the Maverick Student Pantry. These pantries provide food and essential items for our students in need. Read this article for more information about how to support these pantries. Continue reading…
The Holland Computing Center will host a Software Carpentry Workshop Jan. 12-13 via Zoom. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Cost is $25 for NU participants; $50 for non-NU. Continue reading…
We are happy to announce that Milunka has returned to the Engineering Business Center as a Grants Specialist - Lead. She can be reached at 402-472-7164 or mbrajic2@unl.eduContinue reading…