The University of Nebraska will be hosting benefits open houses in Omaha on Oct. 9-11. Employees can meet in-person with several insurance providers before the benefits enrollment period. Click the link below for more information and detailed schedules.
UNL Academic Technologies is offering two upcoming sessions focused on helping instructors leverage the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of products to enhance learning and skills development. All instructors are welcome to attend one or both sessions.: 10/3 and 10/5. Continue reading…
Faculty interested in applying to the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program are invited to attend an in-person information session on Friday, Oct. 6 from 10-11 a.m. at the City Campus Nebraska Union, Platte River Room South. Register at the link below or contact Petrina Suiter in ORED for more information. Continue reading…
UNL staff are invited to attend Academic Services and Enrollment Management (ASEM) 101, an orientation program covering the functions and services provided through ASEM units. The program is Tuesday, Oct. 3 from 9 a.m.-noon at the Nebraska Union. Register at the link below. Space is limited. Continue reading…
Registration is open for the first Heartland Robotics and Automation Conference, which will be held Oct. 25 at Nebraska Innovation Campus. Explore the latest trends in robotics and automation and hear from keynote speakers. For more information or to register, click the link below.
The College of Engineering is offering REACH Suicide Prevention Training sessions on Thursday, Oct. 5 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Nebraska Hall W347. Learn the risk factors, warning signs and how to intervene. Register by clicking on the link below. Continue reading…
The College of Education and Human Science’s Fall 2023 Public Lecture Series continues on Monday, Oct. 9, with Sigal Ben-Porath, professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania, presenting “Free Speech and Inclusion on Campus,” from 5-6 p.m. in Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall (CPEH 005).
Events of interest for College of Engineering faculty and staff: Continue reading…