Engineering Education Research Seminar scheduled for Friday

Susan Lord, Professor and Chair of Integrated Engineering at UC San Diego, will present the Nebraska Engineering Education Research Seminar, “Enhancing Learning and Inclusivity in Electrical Engineering,” on Friday, April 5 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Kiewit Hall A251 or via Zoom.

Dr. Lord summarizes the presentation:

“How can we educate students to be the most effective engineers when they graduate? What does it take to attract a broader range of students to electrical and computer engineering? What curricular efforts could support both of these goals? These are important questions for the discipline.

“In this talk, I'll begin with a study that explores a large, multi- institutional, longitudinal dataset of engineering undergraduates. I'll describe who is currently attracted to engineering and will highlight how the field of electrical engineering fares compared to other engineering disciplines. Then, I'll describe a promising approach to change the demographics of the electrical engineering student body and to increase the learning that happens in the undergraduate curriculum.

“The approach entails reframing electrical engineering from a purely technical discipline to one which is socio-technical, and I'll present modules we've developed for Circuits that accomplish this.”

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