Registration is now open for the 2024 Durham School Future of the Building Industry (FoBI) Workshop, which will focus on Opportunities of an Aging Population. The FoBI Workshop is May 22-23 at the Scott Conference Center in Omaha, Nebraska.
This workshop will feature invited speakers and participants from academia, industry, and government, coming together to brainstorm and take actions toward realizing high-performance, sustainable and healthy “smart infrastructure” of the future.
Each year, the FoBI Workshop theme is expected to change. The 2024 workshop returns to the topic discussed in 2022: current challenges and opportunities of living environments for aging adults.
Themes to be discussed at this year’s FoBI include:
- Indoor Environmental Quality / Smart Buildings
- Home and Community Based Services
- Age Friendly Communities
- Cohousing and Affordable Housing
Keynote speakers include Marjorie Skubic (University of Missouri), Todd Stubbendieck (AARP Nebraska) and Charles Durrett (The Cohousing Company). Go to https://engineering.unl.edu/downloads/COE-Update/FoBI-2024-Schedule.pdf for the workshop schedule.
The registration fee of $35 covers all activities and meals over both days of the workshop. Participants will be eligible to apply for research seed grants (totaling $100,000) that are available only to FoBI attendees who partner with participating Durham School faculty.
For more information on the 2024 Future of the Building Industry Workshop, click the link below.
The FoBI Workshop is followed immediately by the half-day Durham School Ph.D. Symposium - https://engineering.unl.edu/durhamschool/phd-symposium/ - Thursday, May 23 from 1-5 p.m. During this event, Ph.D. Fellows invited to attend the FoBI Workshop will present their scholarly work to each other and to Durham School faculty and students.
More details at: https://engineering.unl.edu/durhamschool/fobi-workshop/