August student move-in to affect parking around the Engineering Complex on City Campus

Student move-in week for the Fall Semester will start Sunday, Aug. 18 and will affect parking availability around the Engineering Complex on City Campus.

Those with parking permits are encouraged to use the Boathouse lot north of Nebraska Hall that week and to avoid using the lot east of Abel-Sandoz, the lot at 17th & Vine Streets and the garage at 19th & Vine Streets. Instead, permit holders (including those for the garage) can park in the Boathouse lot north of Nebraska Hall.

Abel-Sandoz: With curbside unloading, student move-in at Abel-Sandoz is scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 18 and Tuesday, Aug. 20. Sandoz residents will be using the fire lane on the west side of Abel-Sandoz. They will be entering from the north and exiting on the east side of Kiewit Hall, and south onto Vine Street. Abel residents will be entering east of Sandoz and going north, exiting north onto Antelope Valley Parkway. The south exit of the 19th/Vine garage will be closed and all traffic leaving the garage will exit to the north onto Antelope Valley Parkway.

The Courtyards: The parking lot south of 17th and Vine will be closed for move-in at the Courtyards on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 22-23.