NSF holds webinar today for Engineering Research Centers (ERC) program

The National Science Foundation is hosting a webinar today (Monday, Aug. 5) at 11 a.m. CDT for those interested in submitting proposals to the Engineering Research Center (ERC) program.
The National Science Foundation is hosting a webinar today (Monday, Aug. 5) at 11 a.m. CDT for those interested in submitting proposals to the Engineering Research Center (ERC) program.

The National Science Foundation is hosting a webinar today (Monday, Aug. 5) at 11 a.m. CDT for those interested in submitting proposals to the Engineering Research Center (ERC) program.

NSF Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) are prestigious 10-year awards granted to university consortiums in partnership with an Innovation Ecosystem (IE). NSF funding exceeds $50 million, further amplified by co-funding from the IE partners, leading to substantial total awards. Each ERC adopts a system engineering approach to address high-risk, high-reward challenges with profound societal implications.

For additional queries or to schedule an alternate appointment, reach out to nsferc@nsf.gov.

Instructions for consultations, so they are at your fingertips in advance. 1) book consultation at link above. 2) At least 3 days before the consult you are REQUIRED to submit (by single email) the following to ERC1page@nsf.gov: A) A short (no more than one page) briefing that describes the proposed ERC's engineered system as well as a list of all expected core partner institutions (universities); B) a draft of your proposed ERC 3-Plane Strategic Planning Chart (no more than one page). C) Composing a one or two sentence "The engineered system is xxxxx" is recommended as reviewers will look for this in the preliminary proposal.

Only one, 20-minute consultation may be scheduled per submitting team. You should come to the consultation prepared with a mature idea and questions ready. To assist you in your preparations, ahead of the consultation please review the solicitation and frequently asked questions at the links above.