College of Engineering Tailgate – October 5, 2024
The annual NEBRASKA ENGINEERING TAILGATE for alumni, faculty/staff and friends of the college is scheduled for SATURDAY, OCT. 5, 2024 prior to the Nebraska vs. Rutgers football game. The tailgate will begin three hours prior to kickoff (time to be determined).
- WHERE: Kiewit Hall, 1700 Vine Street
- WHAT: A full meal, hosted/cash bar (guests receive two free drinks) + giveaways
- COST: $5 for faculty/staff and each family member; $10 per person for alumni/friends / Children 6 and under are free
Visit the ENGINEERING TAILGATE website for more information and to register.
For questions, email engcomm@unl.edu.
More details at: https://engineering.unl.edu/engineering-tailgate/