11/27-29: Thanksgiving break (university offices closed 11/28-29).
12/2: COE Inclusive Excellence Lunch & Learn: Kyla Gorji, UNL Employee Assistance Program, noon-1 p.m. Kiewit Hall A505AA, PKI 100A, via Zoom. https://engineering.unl.edu/inclusive-excellence-lunch-learn/
12/4: Heuermann Lecture – Steve Evans: “Industry & Sustainability: What next? And What’s next?” 3 p.m., Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. https://heuermannlectures.unl.edu
12/4: Nebraska Engineering Undergraduate Research Information Session, 4 p.m., via Zoom. https://events.unl.edu/engineering/2024/12/04/
12/6: Graduate Programs: Coffee and Conversations, 10 a.m., SEC C107. https://events.unl.edu/The_Durham_School/2024/12/06/182048/