Two engineering faculty receive NSF CAREER Awards

Shudipto Dishari (left), assistant professor of chemical and bimolecular engineering; and Sheng Wei, assistant professor of computer science and engineering.
Shudipto Dishari (left), assistant professor of chemical and bimolecular engineering; and Sheng Wei, assistant professor of computer science and engineering.

Two assistant professors from the College of Engineering -- Shudipto Dishari (chemical and bimolecular engineering) and Sheng Wei (computer science and engineering) - have received NSF CAREER Awards. This brings to three the number of CAREER Awards COE faculty have received this semester.

Dishari, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, aims to reduce the cost of and improve the energy efficiency of hydrogen-based fuel cells through the NSF CAREER Award..

Go to to read more about Dishari's award.

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Wei, assistant professor of computer science and engineering, earned the award to advance his work in computer hardware security and trust, by creating a friendly "neighbor" for a computer's CPU.

Go to to read more about Wei's award.