On Nov. 1, the College of Engineering celebrated the research activities of faculty during the 2018 Research Celebration at the Van Brunt Center. Honored faculty were nominated by their unit administrators.
Activities recognized ranged from new projects in environmental engineering and water quality, biomedical advances to enhance quality of life (addressing back pain, wound healing, rehabilitation), small molecule production, simulations that guide experimental advances in materials and membranes, transportation systems and roadside safety, sustainable infrastructure, data visualization and signal processing, communications and network security, advanced photonics, and materials in extreme environments.
Read more about the honorees and their research at the link below.
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On Nov. 27, the College of Engineering awarded 14 graduate students $500 conference travel grants to help support their attendance at a technical conference where they are either presenting a technical paper or poster.
Read more about the grant recipients and the grants at the link below.
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Letters of intent for the next round of NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows Program are due by 5 p.m. CST on Jan. 2, 2019. Proposals are due to NSF on March 12. The Research Fellows program provides opportunities for non-tenured investigators to further develop their research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation’s premier research centers. Organizations are limited to three proposal submissions per round of competition. If you are interested in developing a proposal in response to this funding opportunity, please complete a notification of intent to submit by Jan. 2. For more information regarding the internal selection process, visit http://research.unl.edu/facultyresources/limited_sub.shtml.