Apply for Los Alamos National Laboratory internship program

The Supercomputer Institute
The Supercomputer Institute

Apply to the Los Alamos National Laboratory Supercomputer Institute internship summer program offering hands-on experience building and operating state-of-the-art and next-generation clusters, high-speed networks, extreme-scale filesystems, containers, security, and more.

Program overview:
This program is an intense, paid, 11-week, hands-on technical internship for people interested in the growing field of high-performance computing. During “boot camp”, small teams of interns build, configure, test, and operate an HPC compute cluster starting from scratch. This boot camp includes classroom instruction, hardware work in the machine room, sysadmin work in the office, and safety training. Learn how to turn a heap of equipment, cables, and electricity into a working mini-supercomputer and demonstrate that it can run real HPC applications!

Next, the project phase begins. Teams of interns work under the guidance of HPC Division staff mentors on applied research and development projects that address real challenges currently faced by the division. These projects regularly influence the division as well as the field of high-performance computing. Collaborate with HPC Division staff and others around the Laboratory on real projects that make a real difference!

Finally, teams present their accomplishments as a poster and technical talk to Laboratory management, staff, and fellow interns in an end-of-summer celebration of intern work.

Undergraduate and graduate students as well as recent graduates in all majors who have computer science, computer engineering, information technology, or related experience are eligible. Interns must meet LANL student program requirements, and have an intermediate understanding of the Linux operating system and command line.
See our website for details!

To apply, send in PDF format to e-mail address below:
1. current resume
2. unofficial transcript, including GPA
3. cover letter describing (a) your professional interests, experience, and goals;
(b) why you are interested in the Supercomputer Institute; and (c) what you hope to contribute to our team environment

Learn more here.