Enroll in CSCE 496H: User Interfaces

Enroll in CSCE 496H: User Interfaces
Enroll in CSCE 496H: User Interfaces

If you need to add another course to your spring schedule, consider enrolling in CSCE 496H: User Interfaces, offered by Dr. Stephanie Valentine. It’s a hands-on, pragmatic course focusing on designing and evaluating user interfaces from an industry perspective.

Prereqs: junior or senior status in CSE/SOFT/RAIK curriculum (completed RAIK 383H, SOFT261, etc.), admission to university honors program

Offering Details: The course will meet synchronously in-person in KAUF122.

Course Goals:
1. Understand how human psychology, physiology, and cultural values affect interface and interaction design.
2. Study theories and best practices for usability, accessibility, inclusivity, beauty, and delight.
3. Understand the processes for designing, developing, evaluating, and modifying user interfaces.
4. Develop an interview-ready UI/UX Portfolio.

Course Objectives:
a. Describe attributes of human psychology and physiology that affect a user’s perception of, comprehension of, and interaction with digital user interfaces.
b. Correlate interface and interaction decisions with the values they communicate, the feelings they invoke, and the interactions they inspire.
c. Translate the guiding principles of fine and applied arts (photography, printed media design, information visualization, etc.) to the design of digital interfaces.
d. Recognize and apply models for organizing information and interactions.
e. Compare and contrast methodologies for designing new interfaces (genius design, user-centered design, participatory design, etc.).
f. Model the procedures for effectively preparing for, conducting, and responding to interface usability tests.
g. Build an enduring UI/UX portfolio that serves as a venue for curating and sharing design-related artifacts and narratives.

To enroll, message valentine@unl.edu for a registration code!