ECEN 474/874: Digital Systems
MW 3:30-4:45 PM
NH, W129
Instructor: Dr. Hamid Vakilzadian
Office: 421G Nebraska Hall
Telephone: 472-1977
Email: hvakilzadian@unl.edu
Office Hours: 12:00 – 1:00 PM MW and by appointment
• Digital System Design Using VHDL, Second edition by Roth and John, –Thomson Publishers, ISBN 978-0-534-38462-3
• Notes
References (Optional Texts):
• Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, Third Edition, by Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, McGraw Hill (ECEN 370 Text)
Tools: ModelSim and Quartus by Altera
Pre-requisite: EE-370 or Equivalent
Course Objective: In this course, the principles of advanced digital logic design will be taught. It builds on logic design principles learned in ECEN 370 and demonstrates how digital design and rapid prototyping will be facilitated by FPGAs and hardware description languages. The course has a lab component involving VHDL and FPGAs.
The course will cover:
• Review of design and analysis of synchronous sequential circuits
• VHDL description of digital systems and simulation
• State partitioning, and microprogramming
• Advanced topics in VHDL
• Register transfer language
• Data-path and controller design
• Rapid Prototyping using FPGAs
• Co-design and Co-simulation
• Design and analysis of asynchronous/fundamental mode circuits
Lab: Lab involves VHDL simulation and VHDL synthesis of designs using Altera’s DE10-Lite. You will use your own computer for simulation and synthesis. However, after you make sure everything is OK, you need to download your design into Altera DE10-Lite boards and test the functionality and operation of your design. When everything works, show the operation of your design to the instructor.
The University’s Code of Academic Integrity: All work submitted by a student must be original. This applies to tests and homework. Work submitted by a student that is copied from solutions provided by the instructor in previous semesters, or from the text solutions manual, or have taken the course in previous semesters is illegal and will automatically result in grade F in the course. Additional actions will be taken for expulsion of the student from the university.
Students are strongly encouraged to learn from each other. However, any assistance received on work submitted can only be in the form of general concepts, principles and methods. Assistance received on work submitted should be acknowledged by the author of the submission, including a brief explanation of the nature of the assistance.
Assignment: Homework and Labs are essential for deepening your understanding of the course material. Homework will be assigned, collected and some of the problems will be graded. Solution to homework problems will be posted on Canvas. Due date for the assignments will be given in the class.
Exams: There will be two in-semester tests and a final exam. In-semester tests will be given on Mondays at 5:00 PM. No makeup will be given for any missed test. The time spent in the tests will be compensated with two no class periods.
For registration, please contact Dr. Hamid Vakilzadian (hvakilzadian@unl.edu)