Attend the OS2G Installathon on Sept. 9

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OS2G Installathon Meeting
Friday, September 9, 2022
6:30 PM
Nebraska City Union Ubuntu Room

Have you ever wanted to try using a Unix based operating system? Come to the OS2G Installathon on September 9! Gaining experience with a variety of operating systems can help you learn more about how computers work, which can give you an edge in the job market and be a lot of fun at the same time.

OS2G seeks to:
• Provide a venue for discussions and presentations on the following topics: operating systems, open source (OSS) and free software (FOSS), system administration, computer networking, computing security, computer science and engineering
• Provide a support network for the use and development of OSS and FOSS
• Educate the public about Open Source and Free Software
• Give the necessary resources for students to excel in their projects and studies
• Allow access to the Holland Computing Center's supercomputer for students interested in machine learning, data analysis, and any applications that would need the powerful and plentiful resources of a super-computing cluster

OS2G is an open group to all people and genders with bias and malice towards none. All majors have a place at OS2G. Non-UNL people are also allowed to be part of the meetings; however, as per university policy, they can not be official members (no voting rights).

Join us on September 16 for an informational meeting about the Holland Computing Center.

More details at: