Attend OS2G's Holland Computing Center Kickstart meeting on Sept. 16

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OS2G HCC Kickstart Meeting
Friday, September 16, 2022
6:30 PM
Nebraska City Union Platte River Room South

Are you interested in using a supercomputer? Do you work on any projects that could benefit from the use of a lot of computing power? If so, attend OS2G's HCC Kickstart meeting on Sept. 16. Learn how to obtain access to and use the Holland Computing Center resources.

OS2G seeks to:
• Provide a venue for discussions and presentations on the following topics: operating systems, open source (OSS) and free software (FOSS), system administration, computer networking, computing security, computer science and engineering
• Provide a support network for the use and development of OSS and FOSS
• Educate the public about Open Source and Free Software
• Give the necessary resources for students to excel in their projects and studies
• Allow access to the Holland Computing Center's supercomputer for students interested in machine learning, data analysis, and any applications that would need the powerful and plentiful resources of a super-computing cluster

OS2G is an open group to all people and genders with bias and malice towards none. All majors have a place at OS2G. Non-UNL people are also allowed to be part of the meetings; however, as per university policy, they can not be official members (no voting rights).

Join us again on Sept. 23 for an informational meeting about Linux shell and shell scripting!

More details at: