![Mary Burke](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file23015.jpg)
What research are you conducting? Can you explain how this fits in with your mentor’s interests?
I am conducting research involving "no-good" learning in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP's). When the search encounters a dead-end and is forced to back track, the “no-good” that caused this can be identified. Once this is discovered, it can be stored to prune further sub-trees in the search. I am currently researching techniques to discover and store "no-goods".
Dr. Choueiry’s research interests include Constraint Satisfaction Problem, so my research work is very much in line with her expertise.
What is your main task?
My main task has been to implement various CSP algorithms and extensively read about the current work on "no-good" learning.
How does the research fit in with your coursework?
My research fits well with my current computer science course work. During the Fall 2011 semester, I was able to take “Problem Solving with Constraints”, CSCE 496, a course directly related to my work. I have also taken independent study courses (special topic courses). Additionally, I have taken several other courses that are indirectly related.
What do you hope to do with this experience?
I hope to better my research methodology and academic writing by working under Dr. Choueiry’s direction. In Spring 2013, I hope to write a thesis based on my current research. I also hope to attend graduate school where I can further pursue this topic.
What do you think you have gained from being an undergraduate research assistant?
I have gained valuable knowledge of Constraint Satisfaction Problems in addition to simply gaining experience working in computer science. This undergraduate research has given me a great opportunity to work with professionals in the computer science field and has given me insight into working in academia.
Why would you encourage other students to get involved with research?
I would encourage other students to get involved in research because it is a great opportunity to connect with the professionals in a specific field. Undergraduate Research allows students gain a better understanding of their field of interest before entering graduate school and provides relevant experience for a career in the field related to the students’ research.