Bits & Bytes: Involvement Fair tomorrow

Fifth edition of Wolf's pioneering textbook published

Marilyn Wolf and the fifth edition of her textbook, "Computers as Components."Marilyn Wolf, director of the School of Computing and Elmer E. Koch Professor of Engineering, has just published the fifth edition of her textbook, "Computers as Components." The first edition was published in 2000 and it was quickly identified as one of the first textbooks on embedded computing. Continue reading…


Apply to Join cSAB

The School of Computing Student Advisory BoardApply to join the Computing Student Advisory Board! cSAB is the in-between for students and faculty—planning events and providing opportunities to maximize the School of Computing experience. Applications are due on Wednesday Oct. 5, 11:59 p.m. Continue reading…

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Originally published September 28, 2022 - Submit an Item