Internship Series - Don't Panic Labs

Don't Panic Labs is a Lincoln Staple
Don't Panic Labs is a Lincoln Staple

If you are a member of the CSE Department, Don't Panic Labs should be a familiar name. The company has a history of hiring UNL students and is involved in a mentoring program with the Raikes' School.

Located in the Historic Haymarket District of Lincoln, Don't Panic Labs was launched as a software development company and has now taken on an additional role as a city-wide mentor. The company offers a great number of internship opportunities which contribute to both academic and professional development.

Interns at Don't Panic Labs work on projects from implementation to delivery. The goal is that interns have a stake in the success of the company. Students will act as temporary employees, taking on smaller projects to allow full-time employees to focus on long-term ones. This is meant to provide interns with a look at what a permanent job looks like, but doing so in the limited time that they have with the company.

Don't Panic Labs has a unique overall goal for its interns: to help them differentiate computer science and software engineering and to focus on the latter. Whether entering the job market or pursuing academia upon graduation, this internship is intended to contrast sharply with the more theoretical experience of the classroom setting. It allows students to be apart of curriculum development and help define the line between the two fields.

Another great aspect of working for Don't Panic Labs is the environment. A smaller company, especially a start-up, relies on promoting a strong team. This serves the intern in an important way: it lets them see what it is like working in a start-up and decide whether it is something they would like to pursue. The experience will help the intern to better define their own career expectations.

Don't miss out on a great internship experience! For more information about internships, contact or visit their website at