Joint Introductory Workshop to HCC Resources and 16S Microbial Analysis
April 19
12–5 PM CST
The Bioinformatics Core Research Facility (BCRF) and the Holland Computing Center (HCC) are organizing a joint introductory workshop to HCC resources and 16S Microbial Analysis on April 14, 17, and 19 from noon to 5 PM CST via Zoom.
This workshop will feature hands-on experience on how to access and use HCC's powerful computing resources to conduct common 16S microbial analysis in R.
Topics to include:
• Introduction to HCC
• HCC Open OnDemand
• 16S Microbial analysis with R, dada2 and phyloseq
Participants will need to sign up for an HCC account and use their HCC account for the registration.
More details can be found on the workshop webpage.
Registration cost is $20 for NU and $40 for non NU participants. Space is limited.
More details at: https://hcc.unl.edu/introduction-hcc-and-16s-microbial-analysis-workshop