The School of Computing's Learning Assistant Program has opened applications for the Fall 2023 semester! Apply now for learning assistant and course leader positions in introductory computer science courses. Pay is $12/hour for learning assistants and $15/hour for course leaders.
The Learning Assistant Program supports CSCE 155E, CSCE 155H, CSCE 155A, CSCE 155N, CSCE 156, and CSCE 101, and the application is currently open for all of these courses. Responsibilities are listed on the application. To apply, fill out this Google Form:- https://forms.gle/bczxBY2tno1Y539s6
The LA Program strives to improve student comprehension and retention in computing courses by focusing on the learner’s experience.
To learn more, visit the LA Program website or email learningassistants@cse.unl.edu.
More details at: https://cselap.unl.edu