The School of Computing at the University of Nebraska has made an investment in AnitaB.org, an organization dedicated to providing resources and support to women and non-binary technologists. This investment includes premium membership for the University of Nebraska staff and students, and we want to encourage you to register for your premium membership and join this incredible community of more than 47,000 community members in tech. We are opening up these memberships to all students and staff members in the School of Computing.
Your Premium Membership benefits include:
• Member Events: technical workshops, career development webinars, local and regional networking events
• Content Library: On-demand content from industry experts, topics including, entrepreneurship, professional development, tech talks, industry/career profiles, Plus, all the best from past Grace Hopper Celebrations
• Mentorship: Learn from the best and make connections with a community of incredible technical innovators and leader through 1:1 Mentorship, Group Mentoring, Monthly Speed Mentoring, Monthly Mentoring Circles
• Community: Build your network and your knowledge by joining our local communities, volunteering and participating in topical forums (techspertise groups), make the connections you need to move your career forward.
• Career Center: Salary insights, training discounts, professional development courses to help you level up your career
• Coaching: Premium Membership gets you access to and discounts on a variety of curated Coaches, including Career Coaches, Financial Coaches, and Wellness Coaches – to help you live your best life!
As part of The School of Computing's participation in Grace Hopper Conference, we have obtained about 200 Premium memberships. When the Promocode is activated, the individual will receive a full 12-months of Premium AnitaB.org Membership.
Visit this School of Computing page and log in with your university credentials to view the access codes.
Here is the new member registration link for new members to join. For existing members, they should login to their existing account and select "Upgrade My Membership Now" and enter the promo code at checkout.
The deadline to sign up is October 12, 2023.