Nebraska to grant 1,100-plus degrees in December ceremonies
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln will confer more than 1,100 degrees during commencement exercises Dec. 15 and 16 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln will confer more than 1,100 degrees during commencement exercises Dec. 15 and 16 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. Continue reading…
Professor Mehmet Can Vuran and associate professor Sasitharan Balasubramaniam were featured in a recent article in IEEE Spectrum. Continue reading…
Computer science major Harish Krishnappan is one of 20 students who will be recognized as Chancellor’s Scholars during the undergraduate commencement ceremony Dec. 16 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. Continue reading…
Undergraduate TAs are needed for the Spring 2024 semester. Apply now! Continue reading… is offering free premium memberships to School of Computing students this holiday season. Continue reading…
A team of faculty is looking for computer science and data science students to assist with the Equitable Access to Civil Justice: Interdisciplinary Research Project. Continue reading…
The New Venture Competition gives all student-managed and student-owned businesses the opportunity to get feedback from area expert entrepreneurs and investors, practice the art of the pitch, and potentially win a portion of $45,000 in total prizes! Continue reading…
CornHacks is the university's annual hackathon and a perfect opportunity for novice and experienced coders to test their skills. Work individually or with a team of up to 4 as you create a project in 24 hours. Registration is FREE and meals are included. Best projects will get over $3,000 in prizes! Continue reading…
Build a business during the 48-Hour Challenge, February 15-17, 2024! You'll share your idea (no matter how developed it is) or come ready to contribute to another idea, form teams, develop a business plan, research your market, and get advice from area entrepreneurs. Continue reading…
More details at:
The one credit-hour course starting February 10 helps you discover your purpose, identify and act on your plan after graduation, and answer "what do I want to do with my life?" Open to all UNL students. Continue reading…
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