Register by 5pm on Thursday, February 8 for the free*, immersive experience of building a business in 48 hours. You'll share your idea (no matter how developed it is) or come ready to contribute to another team, form teams, develop a business plan, research your market, and get advice from area entrepreneurs.
You can participate in the experience in one of two ways: (1) Enrolling in ENTR 325 (48-Hour Challenge: Building Entrepreneurial Teams and Testing Ideas), which is a one-credit-hour pop-up course with regular tuition fees charged to MyRed, or (2) Registering for the experience at https://go.unl.edu/48hourchallenge at no charge, but receive no tuition credit. Choosing the best option depends on your academic needs. If you have questions, please contact Mallory at mkrenk2@unl.edu or stop by the Center for Entrepreneurship (HLH 315).
The 48-Hour Challenge is all centered on action, innovation and education. Beginning with Thursday night pitches and continuing through testing, business model development, and basic prototype creation, 48-Hour Challenge culminates on Saturday night demos to a panel of potential investors and local entrepreneurs.
Participants are challenged with building functional startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. Mentors and coaches will be available throughout the two days to offer their functional expertise.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/48hourchallenge