Seniors planning to graduate in December must attend an Exit Interview with CSE's new Administrative Coordinator, Jenna Gronewold. The interviews will be held from November 26th until December 13th in Avery 269. Times are available from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. daily and the interview will last for about 30 minutes.
The interview will consist of questions regarding your experiences in the program and your plans for after graduation. The interviews will be informal and, although no formal preparation is required, it would be useful if students could give some consideration to their experience at UNL.
Seniors should have already received an email from Jenna regarding the structure of the meetings. Please ensure that you schedule a time as the interviews are mandatory for graduation.
Seniors can sign up for their time using the following google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At2mhbTeov_bdC1iOTVjWWgxT3BRVjJsZkZHRndPdlE.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jenna Gronewold via email at jgronewold2@unl.edu or by phone at (402) 472-5011.