NEMO Lab invites applications for fall 2024 project

Department of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics

The Nebraska Experimental Math and Outreach (NEMO) Lab is a place for motivated UNL undergraduates to discover and explore in a hands-on manner topics in mathematics beyond the standard curriculum.

We have now opened applications for students who wish to take part in our fall 2024 project, which is accessible to those who have taken Math 314/315 or will take it in the fall. Participation is unfunded, but eligible for credit through CASC 98: Undergraduate Research Experience. This course counts towards UNL's experiential learning requirement.

Below are some details about our Fall 2024 project. Interested are invited to apply by August 16.

Title: An Exploration of Quantum Data (Towards Quantum Machine Learning)

Goal of the Project: Understand quantum data and approaches to converting classical data (like a matrix) to quantum data.

Description: Quantum computing can speed up computations. However, when it comes to processes requiring large amounts of (classically stored) data, like a matrix or array of numbers, we are limited by our approaches for converting classical data to quantum data. We will study a strategy for converting classical data to quantum data using tools from linear algebra (Math 314 at UNL).

Developing machine learning models and artificial intelligence are examples of data-intensive computational processes, which are a motivation for this project. Time permitting, we will build intuition for and train a quantum machine learning model.

Apply: Applications are open for interested undergraduate students! Apply using this form by August 16, 2024.

The project will be led by Dr. Levi Heath. Questions regarding the topic and pre-requisites of the project can be directed to Dr. Levi Heath at Questions regarding the NEMO Lab and applications for this project can be directed to Prof. Alexandra Seceleanu at