What is Coding Club?
Coding Club is a new computing-based club here at UNL that strives to provide an inclusive, project/group-oriented environment for those who want to work with their fellow peers to make or work on a topic they are interested in.
What topics?
Coding Club’s goal is to let people do whatever they want. If people are interested in robotics, then they can start a robotics team. The topics are endless, any project or team can be started as long as people are interested in it.
Once a group is formed, it will be known as a "sub-club" of Coding Club, and will have the freedom to develop as seen fit by the members of the sub-club.
What are we doing at the first meeting?
The purpose of the first meeting is to group people with similar interests. This meeting will gauge which topics people find interesting and outline the creation of the sub-clubs.
There will be free pizza and drinks!
How to join?
Come to the meeting for details and fun. Use the links below to get in contact or join.
NvolveU: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/codingclub
GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/104033957/aXZ6poQz
Discord: https://discord.gg/uWVvyda3Ek